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Do you remember where you were in the spring of 2020? Lacey remembers it all so clearly. She was working as an HR Director and leading her organization through what would become her very last transition (fancy HR words for “re-organization and/or lay-offs). For almost 15 years, Lacey led organizations and HR Teams through major change. During all those years, she observed two things:
#1 – Coaching was the ONLY resource that made a positive difference in people’s lives, no matter the outcome of the organizational change. Laying people off? Give them transition or career coaching. Giving people new jobs? Leadership coaching will help tremendously. Promoting someone in the midst of massive change? Leadership coaching for the win again!
#2 – Coaching was the ONLY service she absolutely loved providing!

So when Lacey found herself sitting at her dining room table in May 2020, having just laid off hundreds of people, including herself (yes – sometimes HR people have to actually lay-off themselves!), she knew it was time to create something that would make a positive difference for leaders.

Lacey spent 3 months building the framework for Talent Uplifted. She put on that “learner” hat and figured out how to start a business, build a website, and put her dream out in the world. Rooted in her confidence, driven by coffee, and using the unexpected gift of being home with absolutely nowhere to go, Lacey worked.
Using her strengths, she expanded Talent Uplifted from her personal coaching practice to a boutique coaching firm. Now she and her team work to create and deliver transformative, coaching-centered programs and services designed to help leaders thrive at work so they can thrive in life.
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